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Automatically verify skipped files

An older version of Teracopy used to verify skipped files automatically. Now the application stops, even if Verify is checkmarked, and the user must hit next and then hit verify to have it proceed. So, a job I ran last night barely made progress because it was waiting for me to take those steps. Here’s the use case: Raid 1 disc upgrades to larger disks. All files are already on the larger array and I’m double checking for errors (important files!). For one folder of 1.8TB and over 96K files, Teracopy found 2 errors. For my need, that’s worth the time/effort. Options for a fix: 1. Unattended feature. 2. Command line. 3. Checkmarked verify button applies to skipped files. 4. All of the above.

Johnnyz2 About 2 months ago


Moving files under Windows 11 using keyboard

If a user is moving a file, can you please add an option to “ignore teracopy for moves”. eg. If I am using keyboard and I press “CTRL+X” and then move to a new folder using the keyboard and press CTRL+V on the same drive (ie. it will be an instantaneous copy), can we bypass teracopy because it is unnecessary. This will also helpfully stop Explorer from losing focus. When Explorer loses focus, a keyboard user needs to press ALT+TAB to restore the focus back to the Explorer window to move the next file. On that note, teracopy also takes focus from an Explorer window if you’re using the keyboard for any file copy. Can you please allow Explorer to maintain focus if the user is copying a file (eg. CTRL+C, CTRL+V). This means that a user can easily move multiple files via the keyboard without having to ALT+TAB to regain focus of the Explorer window.

wandl About 1 month ago



Bug copying files to "network ressources" copies files to local drive

I mentioned a serious bug. I added various shares of my NAS to my explorer. As I don't want my windows explorer to be overloaded with various "network drives" (with drive letter!) I added some rarely needed shares via "network ressource" (without drive letter). Network ressources can be found in userprofile here: %USERPROFILE%\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts. Now copying files from your local drive to this network ressource does NOT copy these files to the network share itself, but onto %USERPROFILE%\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\ \ and the file is still located onto local hard drive. Please see this screenshot:

Marius Boos 3 months ago

